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Paula McDermid is a licensed financial advisor and mother of three who works with people to help plan for the future, manage their money and reduce their debt loads through personalized financial planning. Only 30% of Canadians follow a monthly budget, while just 40% of us have a formal financial plan in place... It's never too early or too late for your money to matter. If you have questions or wish to contact Paula, you can email her at
5 Quick & Simple Tips That Will Save You Cash!
Paula McDermid

5 Quick & Simple Tips That Will Save You Cash!
Wash your hands thoroughly each time you use the bathroom or handle raw foods. You’ll keep yourself from acquiring all kinds of viruses and bacteria, which in turn with save you on prescription costs and lost productivity.

Cornwall - June 15, 2012 - *Wash your hands thoroughly each time you use the bathroom or handle raw foods. You’ll keep yourself from acquiring all kinds of viruses and bacteria, which in turn with save you on prescription costs and lost productivity.

*Rent a movie, pick up a bag of popcorn and settle in with the family instead of going out! This will save you a lot of money and will end up being much more fun! For added pleasure, incorporate games like pausing the movie half way through and having everyone write down their plot theories, whoever is the closest gets out of cleaning up!

*Your daily French vanilla cappuccino, or café mocha costs you about:
1 Day: $2.50 – $3.50
7 Days: $17.50
1 Month: $70.00
1 Year: Over $840.00

That’s not counting the gas it’s costing you if you’re idling for a few minutes in the drive thru lane! Or the calories you’ve just added up… And I know you’re getting a muffin too!

*Becoming a better driver can help you save money! Smooth braking and acceleration, as well as slower driving, will improve your mileage and keep money in your wallet. I told you some of these tips were simple!

*When going to the grocery store:
Always have a list and stick to it!
Never go on an empty stomach, it won’t end well.
Avoid “one item” trips, they never end that way!
Stock-up on sale items, but make sure they are a savings first!
Use store savings cards, or point cards like Air Miles, they will add up eventually.

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