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Tell us something current and interesting that matters to our readers Contributor encourages you to participate in the news reporting process. We want to hear from people from all corners of the area. If you see something newsworthy, know of a neat local story or involved in a project that is interesting to you, chances are it will be of interest to many of our readers as well.
PHOTO CREDIT - was launched in June 2012 as your online community hub for the Greater Edmonton Area. In a very short time, the site has become a popular destination for area residents looking for information on community events, local news, interesting columnists and helpful links to other useful sites. encourages you to participate in the news reporting process. We want to hear from people from all corners of the area. If you see something newsworthy, know of a neat local story or a project, chances are it will be of interest to many of our readers as well. We can't be everywhere at all times, so we are reaching out to you to help us tell the stories of Edmonton and area.

You will get full story credit for your submission. We will also list your submissions on our Contributors page, so that our readers can read them time and again. Remember to include the five W's and the one H in your story - Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.

Take your digital camera with you and keep in mind on your daily travels. We also welcome a simple snapshot and short description of local events and happenings. We will include these submissions in our Hometown Snapshot section.

Lastly, if you are not interested in writing the story yourself but would like us to consider covering something on, send us the relevant media release and photos and we will take it from there.

We look forward to hearing from you. User-generated content is a huge part of today's online media world. Many of the stories on are picked up by Google News. Here is your chance to get your message out to a broad and growing audience! To submit to, simply fill out the form below.

    Story Contribution Submission Form



    Email Address:



    Phone Number:


    Attach a Photo:

    Photo File :

    Terms & Conditions:

  • All submitted stories shall be exclusive to and shall be relevant to a current, recent or ongoing story.
  • The volunteer contributor must include their real name, email address and phone number and acknowledges that they will not receive any compensation for their contribution.
  • Submissions shall be between 250 to 600 words.
  • Pure opinion, political or religious rants and soapbox speeches will not be permitted.
  • Fiction, poetry, or creative writing of any sort is not permitted.
  • Submissions shall not simply be an advertisement or promotion for a business.
  • Libelous, slanderous, attacks or abusive statements will not be published.
  • Stories should not be plagiarized or copied from someone else's work without citing it.
  • Copyright for the story stays with the writer, but by submitting your story you grant the electronic right to post the material on the site indefinitely.
  • The source of all Submitted photos shall be provided. (Preferably taken by the volunteer citizen journalist, otherwise proper credit must be provided to the photographer)
  • All stories supplied may or may not be used on
  • reserves the right to delete and/or edit content of submitted stories before posting to the site.
  • I have read and agree with the terms and conditions outlined above. (Required)

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To date has posted a total of 1,700 stories! Events, news, sports, lifestyle, opinion and more!

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CFL - Despite criticism, Eskimos keep on winning games

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