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SNAPSHOT - The quest for Gar Pike on Lake St. Clair
SNAPSHOT - The quest for Gar Pike on Lake St. Clair
By Chris Savard

Stoney Point - Jul. 19, 2013 - On our last couple of kayak trips on Lake St. Clair, Cynthia and I have seen a large number of Gar Pike near Tremblay Beach Conservation Area. As with most wildlife in our area, when you see one – you usually see many. The same is true with these Gar, seeing them two or three at a time just below the surface and witnessing them breaking the water all around you.

I mentioned our findings to my friend Eric Beneteau and that led us to our calendars to pick a night to get out on the lake. Eric told me that one of his goals for this summer’s fishing season was to reel in a Gar Pike, so he began his research and Thursday night was circled on the calendar.

A quick radar sweep showed that the threatening thunderstorms had dissipated and we were good to go. When we arrived to our spot, we didn’t see any life for the first ten to fifteen minutes. Slowly, we started seeing some gar and soon the sun had popped out and they were everywhere – almost taunting us!

While we only caught one and he wasn’t the biggest one that we had seen, Eric had accomplished his goal of landing a gar! A quick picture and the gar was on his way.

Eric’s homework and experimentation will now continue as he tries to perfect his “rope lure” for his next trek onto St. Clair.

The pictures below give you some sense of what we saw, but as always the pictures never truly capture what you are able to see. That fish you see below is one of many that swam right next to the boat, and what would a kayak trip be without enjoying the amazing sunsets that are so prevalent on the lake.

I am sure he will reel in a monster at some point and when he does, we will be sure to share some proof here. Enjoy the great weather everyone!

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