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Hatfield - Ford government must order Windsor-Essex Health Unit back to table
Hatfield - Ford government must order Windsor-Essex Health Unit back to table
Media Release
Ontario NDP

Toronto - Mar. 26, 2019: Eighty-six public health nurses have been on strike for over two weeks, and NDP MPP for Windsor-Tecumseh Percy Hatfield said in the legislature today that the Ford government should send the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit back to the bargaining table to work out a fair deal with them. This will enable the nurses to return to their important work, and be respected for that work. FULL STORY

Letter to Editor from Lakeshore Mayor Tom Bain and Lakeshore Council
Letter to Editor from Lakeshore Mayor Tom Bain and Lakeshore Council
Media Release
Town of Lakeshore

Lakeshore - Mar. 20, 2019: Dear Lakeshore Citizens and Users of the Atlas Tube Centre, On behalf of your Council, I want to thank everyone for sharing their opinions regarding the work stoppage by our Part-Time Facility Attendants at the Atlas Tube Centre. We’ve heard strong feelings from all sides of the issue - your desire to offer fair pay for our valued part-time staff and your equally clear desire for responsible spending. FULL STORY

FULL TEXT - MPP Randy Hillier open letter to Constituents
FULL TEXT - MPP Randy Hillier open letter to Constituents
Media Release
Randy Hillier, MPP

Perth - Mar. 18, 2019: Randy Hillier, MPP for Lanark, Frontenac, Kingston wrote an open letter to his constituents. It is the fundamental and over-arching first principle of all elected representatives to support their constituents to the best of their ability each and every day. If that is not the first thought of every single elected member each morning then they ought to reflect upon why they serve. He raised concerns of possible illegal and unregistered lobbying by close friends and advisors employed by Premier Ford FULL STORY

Super Simple Version of Ontario
Super Simple Version of Ontario's Education/Autism Announcement
Mike Moffatt

Whalen Corners - Mar. 13, 2019: When a student enrolls in school, that school gets a cheque for $12,300 to cover the expense for the year, known as a "Grant for Student Needs". That has nothing to do with autism - the student could have autism, they could have athlete’s foot. FULL STORY

Ten tweet-length reasons why the new OAP needs to be scrapped
Ten tweet-length reasons why the new OAP needs to be scrapped
Mike Moffat

Whalen Corners - Mar. 10, 2019: It's hard for outsiders to know why parents are upset by the new autism program. It’s tough to explain in simple terms why the government needs to hit "pause" on the new OAP and go back to the table (keep in mind, the new plan goes "live" on April 1 -  that’s coming up quickly!). Here’s my attempt to keep things short-and-sweet FULL STORY

Tim Hudak to leave politics - Statement by Patrick Brown
Tim Hudak to leave politics - Statement by Patrick Brown
Media Release
Ontario PC Party

Toronto - Aug. 9, 2016: Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown issued the following statement today regarding the resignation of MPP Tim Hudak (Niagara West-Glanbrook). First elected in 1995 at age 27, Tim has been a stalwart in the Ontario PC Party and the Niagara Region community. During his time in elected office, Tim has honourably served as a MPP, held numerous ministerial positions including Northern Development Mines, Tourism, Culture and Recreation, and Consumer and Business Services, and held the role of Ontario PC Leader and Leader of the Official Opposition. FULL STORY

When Harry’s Met Corky
When Harry’s Met Corky
Tim Cornett

Windsor - Aug. 7, 2016: I have a new friend and his name is Harry. Harry’s a sharp guy, some might say razor sharp. And he sure has a handle on things. Yes, I too have joined the Harry’s revolution. For those of you who haven’t heard, Harry’s is currently taking the shaving world by storm, offering a variety of shaving supplies delivered directly to your door for far less than you would pay at the drug store. FULL STORY

Net neutrality issues for Canada
Net neutrality issues for Canada
Ted Murphy

- Feb. 4, 2016: The concept of net neutrality suggests that all internet service providers should provide content of equal quality and quantity to its users regardless of source. However, as the internet is such a new technology, there have been many concerns over how government departments are able to adequately police this concept. FULL STORY

Where did the money go?
Where did the money go?
Jim McDonell
MPP, Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry

Toronto - Nov. 30, 2015: The Ontario Liberals’ shenanigans continue to surprise even their biggest skeptics. Government messages are scripted to deliver an image of high moral ground, as leaks and documents reveal quite the opposite. The Hydro One sale is a case in point. The story line is all about securing funds to build needed infrastructure – the same they neglected and procrastinated on for the past 12 years. Reading the Government’s financial documents, however, tells a different story FULL STORY

Peanuts? Sandals needs to go back to math class
Peanuts? Sandals needs to go back to math class
Phillip Blancher

Morrisburg - Oct. 27, 2015: Peanuts. That was the word used last week by Ontario Education Minister Liz Sandals on the reimbursement of union expenses for negotiating employment contracts. 2.5 million dollars in reimbursed expenses, for board rooms, hotels, and food. Peanuts; paid for by the government; paid by you, the taxpayer. FULL STORY