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Christie is passionate about helping people create a healthy and active lifestyle. Her fitness and nutritional consultation services/program will teach you more about how you are motivated, what you can do to stay motivated and how to live a healthier, active and fit lifestyle. Christie has a Bachelor of Science Degree as well as a Masters of Health Studies and is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Specialist. If you have questions or wish to contact Christie, you can email her at

Avoid the Summertime Bloat!
Christie Sharun
Avoid the Summertime Bloat!

Jul. 7, 2012: Is your fridge stocked with healthy food and do you exercise regularly yet still feel frustrated by a bulging belly? Belly bloat can be embarrassing and frustrating especially for those people who love bathing suit and tank top weather. Belly bloat is not just a female problem, plenty of men experience it too FULL STORY

Are you at peace with your body?
Are you at peace with your body?

Jun. 5, 2012: Are you generally happy when you look in the mirror? Do you get on the scale every morning and evening? Do you count down to the last calorie? Do you measure every last flake of oatmeal? Do you dread the hot sunny vacation where you might need to wear shorts or heaven forbid a "BATHING SUIT"? Do you wish you had rock hard abs? Or larger biceps? FULL STORY

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Archive contains all Christie Sharun Stories

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