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NDP response to Ford license plates announcement
By Media Release
Ontario NDP

NDP response to Ford license plates announcement

NDP Transportation and Highways critic Jennifer French made this statement in response to the Ford government’s license plate announcement: For almost two weeks now, the Ford government has knowingly issued tens of thousands of defective blue license plates, and announced today that it will continue issuing the faulty plates for another week.


Toronto - Feb. 29, 2020:
NDP Transportation and Highways critic Jennifer French made this statement in response to the Ford government’s license plate announcement:

“For almost two weeks now, the Ford government has knowingly issued tens of thousands of defective blue license plates, and announced today that it will continue issuing the faulty plates for another week.

This never should have happened. It was clear from the beginning that the new blue plates were unsafe, but the Ford Conservatives have chosen to put public safety at risk, and their response to criticism has been denial and finger pointing.

We have more questions than answers about how the plate swap will work. Starting with: how can Ontarians trust this government when it says the plates being re-issued will actually work to keep people in this province safe? How can Ontarians trust the Ford government when all we have seen so far is a branding exercise gone wrong?”

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